4:46 am
5:06 am
6:23 am
12:16 pm
1:15 pm
3:16 pm
3:30 pm
6:00 pm
6:07 pm
7:22 pm
7:45 pm
First Friday (Jumuah) Prayer 12:00
Second Friday (Jumuah) Prayer 13:00
Free New Muslim social and Study Circle

Press Release
We would like to announce that the Goodge Street Mosque in London thanks Imam Ajmal Masroor for his voluntary services he rendered to the mosque during past many years. The mosque, in turn, has offered him a number of assistance and respected him for his profound help...
Turning Point Academy’s annual event held at MWLLO
On Saturday 29th September 2018, Turning point academy held its annual meeting. Lauren Booth, an English broadcaster, journalist and activist was guest of honour and she has talked about her journey to Islam and as well as about her book - "FINDING PEACE IN THE HOLY...
MWWLO supports RTP to raise fund for Cancer
A Day of Ashura fast breaking event
A Day of Ashura fast breaking event supported by MWLLO in association with Ramadan Tent Project Thursday 20th September 2018 corresponding to 10th of Muharram 1440 Hijri
2018/1439 Eid Al-Adha Announcement & Jama’ah Times
Muslim World League London Office would like to convey Eid Al Adha greeting to all the Muslims. Sunday 12 August 2018 is 1 Dhu Al-Hijjah 1439H Monday 20 August will be The Day of Arafat (9 Dhu Al-Hijjah) It is recommended to first the first nine days of this month...
Eid Mubarrak
معالي الأمين العام لرابطة العالم الإسلامي في موتمر السلام في الاديان بأكسفورد : (نتألم لأنهار من الدماء سالت، ولعقولٍ حُجبت، ولتنويرٍ حضاريٍّ تأخر، كان في كثير من فصوله التاريخية المظلمة باسم الأديان، ودينُ الله من ذلك برئ)
معالي الأمين العام لرابطة العالم الإسلامي في موتمر السلام في الاديان بأكسفورد : (نتألم لأنهار من الدماء سالت، ولعقولٍ حُجبت، ولتنويرٍ حضاريٍّ تأخر، كان في كثير من فصوله التاريخية المظلمة باسم الأديان، ودينُ الله من ذلك برئ). Source: أخبار...
100 most powerful Muslims in the UK in 2018
Heartiest congratulations to the Muslim World League in Makkah, the Regional Office of the Muslim World League in London and the World Organization for Care, Relief and Development in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for the nomination of Dr. Ahmad bin Mohammad Qadi...
Interview of Dr. Ahmad Makhdoom with Al Ekhbariya on the visit of Saudi Crown Prince HRH Mohammed bin Salman
Invitation to VisitMyMosque on Sunday 18-02-2018
Dear Neighbour, On behalf of the congregation and Events Committee of Muslim World League London Office, I would like to invite you to an Open Mosque Day, to be held on Sunday 18-02-2018 at Muslim World League London Office. Our Mosque is taking part in the national...
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Ramadan 2017 – Prayer Time and Taraweeh
Muslim World League London Office
46 Goodge Street,
London, W1T 4LU,
United Kingdom
020 7636 7568
Get In Touch
Is the Mosque open every day?
Yes, the mosque is open everyday during the five prayer times
What is the office hour?
Office hour is from 10 am to 5pm during the weekdays only.
How many Jummah Prayers do you have?
We have only one Jummah prayer and it is during 1 to 2 pm. Please see the home page
Do you have Women prayer room?
Yes, we have women prayer room in the ground floor near the entrance. We also have separte women toilet and wudo room in the basement.
Do you have Arabic and Quran classes?
Yes, the mosque have various programs all around the week.
We have speacial Arabic and Quran teaching class for children in the weekend.
For more information please email or contact Mr. Fathi for this regard.